Cap Tightening Machine

Model: CDE 0002

CDE 0002 (VS 500) Automatic Cap Tightening Machine

Introducing the Cap Tightening Machine, an exceptionally efficient automatic cap tightener machine that provides an ideal solution for various cap types, especially spray and pump caps. This versatile machine easily handles different cap formats and includes a convenient height adjustment feature to ensure optimal performance.

Initially, an operator manually places the cap or pump with a pre-start on the bottle. Following this, the machine automatically screws the cap on to a pre-defined torque, ensuring a secure and consistent fit.

The automatic cap tightening machine seamlessly integrates into complete filling lines, significantly enhancing efficiency and productivity. Additionally, it can function as a standalone device, offering complete flexibility in various applications.

Equipped with a 1-meter conveyor, the VS500 can achieve speeds of up to 25 products per minute, depending on specific format requirements. This makes it highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of production demands.

The CDE 0002 is compatible with KBW automatic filling machines, such as the AF0020 Auto linear filling machine. Furthermore, it works seamlessly with all KBW automatic labelling machines, ensuring a streamlined packaging process.

Our Capping Machine Range Includes:

  • Screw capping machines
  • Capping equipment for ROPP caps
  • Indexing capping machines
  • Press capping machines
  • Cap Tightener machine

Key Industries We Serve:

In addition to capping machines, we offer a comprehensive range of packaging equipment that may interest you. Our product lineup includes unscrambling tables, liquid filling machines, capping machines, and tablet counting machines. We also collaborate with partners to provide labelling machines and MonoBlock machines, ensuring a complete packaging solution for your needs.

Feel free to reach out for further information or inquiries about our capping machines and complementary packaging equipment. Our team is always ready to assist you with finding the best solutions for your packaging requirements.

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